Girls and insecurities :')


Hey there,

Out of sudden rasa nak cakap pasal ni, because this is what happened to us, girls. Its like girls and their insecurities never can be separated. (acah acah buddyz takkan terpisah, tapi ni insecurities) erm.

For me there are two types! physical insecurities and emotional insecurities.
start dengan physical dulu ok.

Why would I say girls takleh terpisah dengan insecurities? because I know that it is true! dont tell me that "eh aku tak insecure pun" heheh dont tipu me okehh :p I insecure, too. About my excessive fats all over my body, cherawats menghiasi muka and bila kulit burn lahh apa lahh and many more! Too many things can led us to be insecure wehh. this is bad.

 have any of yguys ever think of being too insecure could actually destroy you even more? Maybe some of yguys tak perasan, till one day.. I realized on something. Me myself selalu je bising pasal jerawat, badan gemuk la apa lah till now.. and I really really want to make it less. Less insecure. Sebab bila terlalu insecure, I could make someone or *orang yang tak dikenali pun* terasa dengan my words. People could get annoyed, and sometimes it hurts me when people said the truth. (ni la perempuan, ditanya pasal diri sendiri, then bila orang jawab secara jujur.. terus takleh accept) because girls, just being girls. Yeah but I know not all girls are like this, or its actually all?

lets talk about emotional punya insecurities.
Well I found this could be even worse. Sebab nya kita tak boleh baca isi hati orang kan. We dont know how people think about our attitudes. Pernah tak yguys rasa, bf korang ke or husband korang ke ada kawan perempuan.. and yguys think that your beauty boleh kalahkan that girl's beauty tapi yguys still rasa insecure sebab? takut your man tersuka dengan perangai dia. Ugh this is stressful. everything pun boleh jadi insecure tau. kan? :')

Well since kita semua pun taknak diri ni rasa insecure selalu so orang pun takda lah annoyed dengan kita, lets try this together. Im gonna try this, too :

  • Love ourselves, and be grateful. If kita punya physical ni teruk mana pun, always think that ramai lagi yang suffer lagi teruk dari kita. Banyak sabar okies.. 
  • Trust our partner and make effort to make sure that he could pay more attention dengan kita. (well this is hard, means jangan terlepas pandang lah kot)
  • Jelous itu perlu but not too jelous . Hope this help to less kan our insecurities.
  • Be confident dengan diri but not too over confident.
  • Always pray to Allah supaya dapat tenangkan diri and jauhkan diri dari insecurities :) 
sampai macamtu sekali weh insecurities ni boleh down kan diri kita ni kan? not only diri sendiri but boleh buat orang lain pun sekali tak suka dengan ke-over-an insecure kita ni ha. Sad but truth. We need to change and become someone better. I wish, and lets be better! :'D

Posted by Nur Farhana


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  3. hehe. Takde siapa yg perfect, semua orang ada kecantikan yg tersendiri. Kalau ada any flaws tu, terima je la sbgi satu keunikan ke ape. but yg bestnya, bila cuba terima diri seadanya, ada kawan ni selamba je buat joke pasal insecurities tu depan orang lain :( lawak la konon.. kekeke


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