Being with the cool kids? AWESOME


Hey ho peepals..

So here I got this one topic that we usually discuss. Boleh dikatakan macam tu lah. Ok I bagi satu situation :

" Korang mesti best en kawan denga those cool kids :D "

" Best nya nampak dorang jejalan sesama, famous, selalu happy "

waitt............. what? Are you guys sure about this?

Based from the title kan.. I just nak share lah kepada semua. Cool kids or "sekumpulan manusia/teenager/rombongan cik kiah/ ialah mereka mereka yang jelas nampak diorang ni macam satu kumpulan yang sekepala and segala benda yang diorang buat tu dianggap cool or menarik di mata kasar orang ramai.

Ive been in many situations. Berkawan dengan kengkawan yang baik baik akidah tak tinggal solat, kawan kawan yang suka huha huha, kengkawan yang suka mengadap buku asyik nak ke library, and kawan yang introvert. (boleh google if tak tau makna introvert).,

Berdasarkan experience, banyak sangat benda yang best and bad yang I ve faced. and it is still happening nowadays! kalau takda masalah bukan berkawan la maknanya kan?

Tapi I agak musykil for those yang menganggap being with the "cool kids" ni sebenarnya best and awesome (seperti yang tertera di tajuk atas sana). From my opinion, being with the cool kids only is not enough. Trust me, we want to be famous, to be outstanding wile we are being their friend and pasti ada tak sependapat on each other.


Sebab ''cool kids'' ni hanya boleh dilihat dari mata kasar kita je. Like everyday theyre posting their picture in instagram,or facebook or twitter just to show people how happy they are being together, how cool they can be and so on. Because I believe, to be someone friend by heart is much more harder and even better. Where we know that we are truly like to be their friend and so do they.

To make this simpler, the point is just berkawan lah dengan sesiapa saja yang yguys mahu but makesure yguys are comfortable with them, itu yang penting. Berkawan dapat populariti saja buat apa kalau takda makna kawan? If ada tak puas hati just direct and be better for one another. Everyone has their own good personality , not only the ''cool kids''. But here, it doesnt means that every cool kids is not okay.

Cuz who are the cool kids? its you and your friend in your own world!

hehehe stay cool peepals! :*

Posted by Nur Farhana


  1. for me sy suka kawan dgn kawan yg lebih kurang sama je la dengan diri sendiri.. bila dah ngam tu cool aje kawan tu. hehe :D

    1. awwh haha yep. biar tak cool di mata orang but dengan diri kita kita selesa kan? :) lama tak buka blog, rindu tgok awak komen blog akak :'D hahaha gediks angatz diri ini


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