CPUV campaign #Nuffnang


Hello everyone :)

Di siang yang mulia ni, ku panjatkan syukur atas illahi, for His blessings.

Ok cemni cerita dia.. Ive read from some bloggers bout cpuv campaign and stuffs. and.. the results is I dont understand :') *sobs

But from what I observed, if ada rezeki dapat cpuv tu.. then most of em post satu entry pasal ia and say thanks to everyone for clicking!
So thats what am I gonna do.

From apa yang I faham kat sini , ada dua ads yang ongoing. ok. and probably it comes from your help. ofcourse lah kan? and The ads are about....

1. Digi project byte. Obviously yang ads colour kuning kuning tulis digi tu ada kat nuffnang box dekat page memasing.. so if youguys nampak, rajin rajin lah click. (terharu lagi sebab I know yguys memang rajin click. like me :') )

2. Brighter Smile, Better Co.. . I dont know what is this about nanti am gonna find out apakebenda nya kah ini. But Im pretty sure it has something to do with gigi. ye dok? yguys rasa apa?  Hihi if ads ni berlegar dalam blog juga dipersilakan click. :*

Maceh kawan kawan sekalian :'D yang sudi jenguk, baca, and click ads nuffnang kat blog frauananas ni. I really hope this blog thingy could bring all of us to the higher level, InsyaAllah.
Apa apa pun kita semua shudnt stop beri info,sharing stories for everyone diluar sana and termasuk lah diri sendiri. Semoga bermanfaat.
Oh plus, buat entry, follow blog orang lain bukan sekadar join giveaway or nak tambah follower saja.. but to take lessons from others and yeah to communicate on each other! we communicate what kann? orang sini comment orang sana, orang sana comment orang sini. Tak ke tu make friends namanya? That is what we call bonding (haa gituu)

Okay cukup sahaja bebelan untuk entry ni,

 Tchus alle!

Posted by Nur Farhana


  1. Mari saling klik-mengklik hehehe

  2. sy pn ada klik tau. ekeke *sibuk je nk bgitau*

  3. Saya tau awak click :3 jadi lah penyibuk pleasee. saya suka ! :'D

  4. melancong kat sini naik flight pagi ;)

    1. Waah bestnya naik flight :')))). Jet lag tak? Hehe thanks tau!

  5. Klik...klik...
    Biarpun kita tak la sehebat blogger yang femes kat luar sana.
    One Day,Insyaallah,Kita pun akan femes macam diaorang kan..
    Yang Penting kita buat kawan yang ramai..mana tau nanti kita boleh buat event untuk blogger yang yang kawan dengan kita pulak..tak gitu kekawan...:-)

    1. Iyyep , haha have fun je dgn blog ni . Make it as habit :D the more we share, the merrier it will be. :*


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