Shearasol's Relove our Preloves event


Hai Guys..

Sorry lah dua post berturut-turut ni topic yang sama je. *excited sangat namanya ni*
As I said in the previous entry, nak pergi event dekat Bangi Sentral yang di organized by Shearasol's and friendss and yes I did!

Bangun pepagi lagi dalam pukul 9 macam tu baru start siap. I went there with my two girlfriends , Juni and Aina. Plan nya nak gerak pukul 10 so by the time kedai Shearasol buka, kitorang sempatlah kot nak breakfast ke lek lek dulu ke kann.. but guys.. we are malay, takleh nak buat apa dah. HAHA
Tapi tak da la lambat sangat. Kitorang gerak pergi bangi at 10.10 am, lambat 10 minutes je kay. And off we go.. isi minyak dulu sat.. drive mcm kura kura sat.. guna waze (even dah 2 tahun dah stay upm) pastu kami sampai dengan gembiranya and so happy sebab dapat parking! Tau tau je lah kat Bangi Sentral tu memang parking selalu penuh. But maybe its only 10 something so orang tak ramai lagi kot.

Cari punya cari, finally kitorg jumpa Shearasol punya butik. masa tu dah 10.45 am macam tu and we still ragu ragu nak bekpes dulu or nak tunggu depan kedai. (konon konon nak serbu bila start event laa)  . But then my friend Juni kata.. takyah breakfast. Wait depan kedai.. ye lah Preloved items tau tau je laa pulak murah dia cemana kan.. so kitorang pun naik lah lif (satu tingkat je padahal) .. and buka je pintu lif memang terangtang tang pintu kedai. Selain we saw a basket of biscuits and bottles of mineral waters, we all nampak kelibat manusia yang sudah gembira berjalan jalan di dalam kedai.. and we are like.. wait? what? dah boleh shopping?!

Tanpa segan silu kami bagi salam and masuk. Jalan depan sikit and I saw Maria Elena. Its kak Maria :') *nangis dalam hati  . It was the second time I met her. First time dulu jumpa like 5 years ago. hah lama gilos. But still I got butterflies in my belly *over ngeks.

But sebab malu malu en.. so we decided to jalan jalan and tengok all the clothes and bags and shoes. End up, we were stucked kat Maria punya part. Bukan apa... Murah dia bapak lah... I dont know lah whats the real price but, kak Maria put like RM 5, RM 2, RM 10.. and some of the bajus are soooo me. So grab grab grab grab tanpa memikirkan apa lagi and bayar. Settle. Well I dont think that I should fitting dulu ke apa cuz Her baju semua macam loose, flare macam tu so confirm muat! Eheh.

Next Iols dah ada 3 helai baju dah dalam paperbags, *oh luckily kak Maria gave me paperbags, sepatutnya kena bawa sendiri.. huhu cedih lupa bawa* .. and Iols continue to help rakan rakan memilih item dorang Pulak. My budget is like RM 50, but I oredi got like 3 items and used RM15. I KNOW RIGHT?!?!  3 for RM 15. baju tau... bukan shawl ke apa. Tersengih sengih sensorang happy masa tu.

Jalan and jalan lagi, the crowd dah start crowded kan the place, and kitorang semua berjalan like "excuse me.. hehe sorry.. excusee.. tumpang lalu.." terlanggar each other pastu sengih sebab rasa bersalah but at the same time tengah happy shopping. Then I found a mini skirt yang sangat cantik yang sangat vintage. Well I am the type yang suka pakai mini skirt dekat bahagian luar seluar. Because for me, boleh cover bahagian punggung and its a cool thangg mann. So that skirt kenot be resisted. I bought it. and tetiba mata ternampak dekat satu bag diamond ni.. Tak tau apa ntah nama dia but I know that that bag is sooo my sister. So I bought it so that boleh share share with her..

My friends masa tu dah bertebaran mengejar baju/stuffs ikut taste memasing. We dont care at each other cuz we need to rebut barang! hahahaha. Then I was tertarik dengan shawls yang dilambakkan dekat bahagian depan kedai. Shawls like so many shawls and some bawals too. Jenis bawal yang lembut je.. Those were kak Shea's but ada la juga orang lain punya. and tangan ni memang laju je grab-grab tudung and kak Shea laju je cakap.. ambik je banyak banyak , satu RM 1 . and I am like.. what?! singgit? okay ambik. tup tap 6 helai di dalam tangan. and yes.. thats the last one. the shawls.
but masa tu dah tak ada small change, got 5 ringgit je and kak Shea bagi laa RM 5 instead of RM 6 sebab 6 helai en.. Iols terharu terus salam kak Shea. ahahahahaha thank you!!

so here are the photos that I managed to ambil with Kak Maria and Kak Shea, yang bery the friendly.. at first macam awkward pastu mehhh terus selamba sebab tak serabut sangat en. Everyone there macam enjoy gila beli belah..

with beautiful preggy Ummi , kak Maria :*
and the ugly face of her *she said*
with Kak Shea, sangat comel lagi lagi kalau jumpa kak luar. ihiks

and a lil bit blurry picture of us, 
oh pastu lupa nak cakap. dah settle settle ambik gambar semua and ready nak babai kedai.. mata ni tetiba ter startstrucked *is this word even exist?*  dekat satu pants and againnnn.. Its kak Maria punya. :p  RM 5.   terus ambik and bayar! hahahahaha. Its Lakayena :') so now I have Lakayena's pants me so happy girl wiwuwiwuwiwu   (last minute pun sempat lagi beli ahahaha)

so here are my stuffs. OFF BUDGET. lebih RM 5 . tak pa la kan.. bukan selalu. So the result is. I bought 12 items for RM 55. I am awesome. 


and last but not least, my girlfriends yang cecomei and bucuk bucuk

from left, Aina, Juni, beautiful nana.

thats all. what a good day. Pois

Posted by Nur Farhana


  1. wah bestnya dpt pegi sale tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. I saw abt it on Kak Shea's blog the other day and I was like there's no way I'd be able to got there and tup2 saw yr post pasal you pg sana..jeles ah haha

    1. ahaha ni pun sebab desperate sangat nak baju murah :'D rezeki pulak haritu free. hehehe nanti kalau ada buat lagi you join laa tau!


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