This one is about Traveloka
Hey there peeps its me again :)
Alhamdulillah my lecture week dah nak habis dah, infact class untuk sem ni dah habis! and yes I am very excited for a short holiday *sebab nanti kena sambung intern* . Most importantly tak sabar nak puasa and raya heheeh.
Okay so back to the main topic. Yes, This is a post about TRAVELOKA
Amende tu?
Well basically its a website for those yang nak book flight ticket and book hotel. To be honest, I love seeing iklan Traveloka kat billboard atas highway tu :') hahaha sebab gambar dia cantik buat rasa nak pegi cuti. hahahaha *please la nana* But true tho! So nak dijadikan cerita, me and my family are planning to go somewhere in August nanti.. pegi mana?? rahsia hihi , but as usual laa habis segala website akan di buka through google just to find the best price for flight and hotel for us nanti.
And suddenly this Traveloka comes out and what can I say is, I really like the page itself. Simple, sangat kemas and easy to access. Just fyi, banyak website yang serabut and pening kepala den nak nengok harga nya. Lepas tu pricing for flight and hotel pun Traveloka akan tolong compare kan which is for me, it is very easy. Takyah penat penat nak salin details atas kertas and compare kan sendiri (hahaha done that!) . Sapa cakap pergi holiday ni mudah??! lain la korang memang serahkan kan dekat travel agency 100% memang le senang. So for me, Traveloka makes things easier!
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okay ni page website nya, on top je dah memang ada place for you to fill in, nak book flight and hotel. :) |
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dekat same page jugak, youguys boleh choose dates. This one I like sebab mudah and cepat. |
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and why do I show this to youguys? sebabnya nak bagitau yang Traveloka bukan lah for dalam Negara je but all over the places! |
Okay, tengok kat gambar ketiga tu.. I share sebab I think it is really important lagi lagi for those yang suka bercuti tapi tak tau nak pergi mana. ADA TAU ORANG MACAMNI . So like, ada popular destination kann dekat situ.. boleh la jadikan as suggestion for youguys nak pegi mana :D
Macam tu jugak dengan hotel. Traveloka ada buat recommendation so that we can choose the best and suitable place for us mengikut bajet sendiri. :) Pastu kalau dah pilih hotel tu kenalah tengok review or feedback from others jugak. Nanti karang, emo pulak time cuti sebab hotel tak best.. padahal orang lain dah tolong bagi feedback dah. Yes, Traveloka ada sertakan feedback customers, so boleh senang check okies.
For flight booking, as far as I surveyed pun senang juga. Just masuk destinasi and date berlepas and date nak tiba ke tempat tu. But make sure korang pilih kelas penerbangan dulu sebelum klik search sebab harga berbeza mengikut kelas penerbangan. So, lepas click search, traveloka akan list kan flight ticket yang available. Yguys boleh pilih mana mana airlines yang yguys nak and suit kan price mengikut bajet. Thus, for me.. Traveloka ni macam jimatkan masa and money at the same time. Worth it!
Okay next! Payment acano?
Boleh choose sama ada nak bayar guna credit card or online banking.
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see, banyak bank yang terlibat which make it easier for us. everything can be done from the tip of your finger (hahaha translate yang semua benda ada di hujung jari anda :'p ) |
(click link ni untuk tengok website Traveloka sendiri)
Okay , it is because nak book hotel and flight ticket sangat senang dengan Traveloka. and most importantly takda hidden charge. So youguys takda la stress tetiba kena bayar amount lebih ke lepas dah settle pilih ticket and hotel semua. Nak buat payment pun senang PLUS!! Traveloka got apps yang boleh di download dekat dalam phone. Means, youguys dont need laptop pun kalau nak guna buka Traveloka. Phone also can :D
Haha what a very long post. Lama tak tulis macamni. So apa lagi guys? Go buka Traveloka sekarang and happy surveying and planning for holiday !
tchuss everyone :*
Posted by Nur Farhana
Senangla nak book ticket untk flight waktu raya nanti. Yeayy!
ReplyDeleteYess! pergi book cepat�� hehehe
ReplyDeletemenyenangkan kerja ada website2 macam ni.. semua jadi mudah..