
Showing posts from 2016

Short trip to Pasar Seni a.k.a Central Market, Kuala Lumpur

Assalammualaikum, hai blog, lama dah saya tak jenguk blog ni.. muncul pun macam biskut, kejap ada kejap takda (I never understand what this phrase means btw,) I've been too busy enjoying my life and tak post entry dalam blog ni which makes me kinda sad. Its already December guys! Pejam celik pejam celik je. :p Oh and december means, dah dekat nak habis dah sem 5 ku di UPM. So there will be another 2 sems left.. justeru, doa doa kan lah saya ye everyone :* what should I share ya? hmmm lemme think . (scroll gambar dalam phone sat) Okay this sounds like so usual but Imma tell you guys a lil bit pasal Pasar Seni a.k.a Central Market, KL. Last time, I went there with three of my friends and kitorang actually ada nak siapkan video assignments. At first dorang planned nak buat kat Melaka, but when I thought about it .. Melaka dah la jauh.. why not we make it somewhere near je.. lalu kami pun memilihlah Central Market tersebut. Surprisingly, its only me yang pernah jejak...


"People can say, people can ask us to do things, but they will never be in our shoes. They can act like they understand. Then they ask us to be someone good, different, or precisely, to be someone that is only favoured in their eyes." Posted by Nur Farhana

late night thoughts

Assalammualaikum. Readers sekalian.. finally I got the chance to write even if its very random. My laptop dah kena conquered dengan adik adik until I got no mood to write selama cuti sem ni. 3 months weh cuti ... I know this might be something weird to say.. but Im tired of holiday :') cehh Holiday best je cuma lama sangat. Oh and suddenly my thoughts mencurah curah untuk tulis memalam buta ni. Its about nowadays. Its about money. Sekarang ni everyone wants money. No money, no life for certain people. Somehow I found it true sebab sekarang ni semua pun kena guna duit. Tapi ingat senang ke nak cari duit? I know nowadays sangat lah ramai millionare kat Malaysia ni. Rumah puluh juta is very the kacang, branded handbag pun berbelas beli sekali shopping. Not just that.. nowadays teens prefer to buy pricey stuffs especially students (like me) buy makeups even its expensive oso dont care weh. I know right. Bila ada duit semua dapat. Tapi its just not easy. To find it through ha...

a lil bit of free-ness

Assalammualaikum, yeah finally semester 4 has come to an end. Dah habis dah pun and I feel saaaangat lah lega. But, 3 months of cuti is not easy bruhh. I really need plans to make em productive. anyway, doakan keputusan exam kali ni dapat dicapai dengan cemerlang gemilang terbilang. InsyaAllah. Oh this is so random. Its late at night, and I am gonna merapu a lot but thanks for reading guys. So what should I do during this very long lovely holiday? 1. I should learn how to cook 2. I should bake and start selling my kuih and pavlovas (insyaAllah) 3. I should think of something for business 4. I should think of writing recipe in this blog! šŸ˜ 5. I should write more about any interesting things that give benefits to all of us :D told ya its gonna be super merapu ! but hey! it makes sense. All im gonna do is something yang will pay back my hardwork. Asalkan isi masa dengan baik. aminnn. okay nak sleep. hehe lama dah tak dpt sleep dengan minda yang tenang.  :p nani...

My Kanken Bag

Assalammualaikum, Hye everyone! Kalau sesiapa yang ada perasan, last time when I was in Australia, I was wearing this one green bag. It's a Kanken Bag (Kalau original mahal gila almost RM400). So I tak mampu lagi and bought the murah one :p hehe. Mine is Frost Green. me likey! But guess what!!? I don't know lah yang ori tu rasa cemana.. but the one that I bought for RM 75 ni pun dah best sangat dah :') so tak  tau la kalau ori punya macamana. anyway, I love the colour, the material and the size ! Even dia punya batch brand tu pun best je rasa macam velvet punya material. Oh and my sister bought too earlier than me. Dia beli warna 'Baby Pink' and ada laa sikit different with mine. Mine is better cuz we bought at different Insta shop. And she was a bit menyesal sebab tak jumpa instashop yang I beli Kanken. Sebab dia punya batch brand tu macam plastic sikit.. and jahitan dia berbeza. Mine is kemas lagi..  yeahh I was lucky. nama ig dia ni :  bag.kanken.m...

Tips diet di bulan Ramadhan

Assalammualaikum, First of all, frauananas nak ambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan and semoga semua orang dapat puasa elok elok, gandakan amalan mulia and stay healthy insyaAllah. Selain daripada perkara perkara kat atas tu, Iols pun berazam jugak nak diet pada bulan mulia ni.. cuz what? cuz kita di beri peluang untuk take care of our body for 30 days! Sedar tak sedar, bulan puasa ni bukan lah semata mata untuk waktu berbuka je, but to teach  us people to eat less. I love to eat.. like seriously. Sebab tu badan macam erm.. Tapi impan nak slim tu mestilah ada cuma susah nak maintain sebab seorang yang pemalas. And... sooo for this holy month. I did some research and found out beberapa tips untuk diet di bulan Ramadhan sambil kekalkan energy sewaktu puasa. 1. Wajib sahur :') Its kinda hard for me since puasa pun ada beberapa hari dekat kolej. So ada time yang tak terjaga masa sahur. Masa zaman sekolah dulu ada siren kejut sahur kot.. t...

Holiday in Perth, Australia

Assalammualaikum, Hye guys! Haa lama tak nampak eden meng-update blog kann.. To be honest, Ive been very busy lately since terpaksa habiskan lecture week awal sebab pergi ke Perth, for 5 days and all the assignments and presentations pun haruslah di awalkan. Because of that, and untuk mendapat carrymarks yang terbaik, maka Iols pun terpaksa laa pulun habis habisan lalu meninggalkan site frauananas, selama beberapa hari. And I am not gonna write a lot in this post, but of course I gotta tell you about Perth sedikit sebanyak. Since pergi holiday this time is actually macam company trip, so we go there 25 orang total. It was really fun sebab ada babies ! ahhaha and we walk and walk and eat a lot. But apa yang sedih is wifi tadok kat hotel ( we got that a lot.. from the australians, tengah holiday kann.. buat apa nak wifi ) :') Maka excited bila kat restaurant je laa sbb selalu situ je dapat free wifi. Oh and what I like about this Holiday is the weather! Kalau ambik gam...

Procrastinating at my best!

Assalammualaikum, to procrastinate might sound like a negative thing but I think it could be a good thing if I do it with all my best. What I do while procrastinating are Listen to songs and sing along!  Yeah I do this a lot even when I am not procrastinating. I kareoke through youtubes video. No need to go to red box meh, just wear earphone and sing! Whenever I do this, I realized that it was a good thing and not bad at all. Yaa I was wasting my time but it can help me due to my stress like so many stress are coming so I need to calm myself by singing. Even if I don't wanna sing, listening to beautiful lyrics is good though. It feels like. I am not being lazy for nothing. I know, awesome. Talk to my friend or family Did you know that while procrastinating and you decide to whatsapp or call your friend or family is actually a really good thing!? I do this when I am fed up with my works and start procrastinate. And at the same time, I am strengthen the bond/relations...

Winners #Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway

Assalammualaikum, semalam tetiba wifi takda and you know haw sad I am sebab tak dapat umumkan siapa winners for giveaway :') but! I ve chosen one of the winners ! Who is : DIKNA! number 14 . My fav Number :D so here is another 4 :* drum roll.................................................. 24. Blog Eyja! 1. Syaza, Applemints :* 51. Adna 42. The Dini Serendipity :D So congratulations guys! boleh email frauananas , and tuntut hadiah tauu :* Thanks to those who particiate :') terharu sangat. InsyaAllah.. one day.. Iols buat lagi! soon :* hehehe Posted by Nur Farhana

First Winner ! #Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway

Congratulations, Number 14 refer pada namelist, email me your details tauušŸ˜˜ hehehe :  Posted by Nur Farhana

#Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway............ jeng jeng

Assalammualaikum, Hai everyone ! Alhamdulillah 53 bloggers dah pun sudi joined #Ananasgoodmood giveaway and  I am so happy and hope that you guys tertunggu tunggu sangat with the results. InsyaAllah by tonight, I will randomly picked the winners! Papepun semua pun dah menang dah for me sebab rajin join giveaway :* hehe tunggu jangan tak tunggu!  Okay.. nak sambung buat assignments. Ahahaha Pois everyone ;) Posted by Nur Farhana

So I was a salesgirl di sebuah kedai tudung

Assalammualaikum, first thing first! for #Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway, name lists dah di update tauu.. boleh check okayy nanti. And semalam tak sempat update cuz I am not feeling well even now batuk batuk lagi. Uhuk uhuk* BACK TO THE TOPIC. I suddenly rasa nak tulis pasal tajuk ni since last wednesday, me and my dearly roommates talked *gossiped* about what happened the day before. One of my roommate , Kak Fizah, told us that she went to a boutique.. and tengah pilih pilih baju, boleh pula tokey kedai tanya dia.. "Awak pekerja sini ke?" .. yess maybe because kedai tu tengah sale gila gila sampai tokey kedai pun tak tau nak beza siapa pekerja, siapa customer but the main point is.. when Kak Fizah said.. "eh tak.. bukan pekerja." and the tokey be like.. muka tak senyum and no sorry. As a customer, who looks high to that tokey terus macam erk.. why didnt she say sorry.. umm bersangka baik je lah.. maybe she was serabut. Another story is about a friend...

Baju Blous terkini FOR RAYA at Zalora

Assalammualaikum, Hey guys! So main topic for this post  is baju raya!  (haa semangat takk??) It has been less than one month I think? For us, muslims dekat seluruh dunia akan menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadhan. Tak lama dah.. and we gonna puasa for a month :) *puasa jangan tak puasa~.. oh yang tak ganti lagi boleh laa sedar diri memasing :p hehe ganti cepat!  Andā€¦ yeah,  Ibadah puasa shows us too, that Syawal bakal menjelang and talking about bulan Syawal, we can already imagine how excited would it be and banyak sangat preparation nak kena buat because we want everything to be smooth and good since we meet people, and one most important thing is.. bermaaf maafan sesama manusia :) Thus! (masuk mood baju raya) We need to look gorgeous  laa of course on that day kannnā€¦ It is like, a tradition for us, malay people where we have that one session ā€˜sesi pencarian baju rayaā€™ . Oh andā€¦have you ever heard about nowadays trend whe...

Pencarian Bloglist Jun 2016 by Beeha Azman

Assalammualaikum, hey peepals nampak tak betapa iols semangat update blog? :p oh ni actually nak join pencarian bloglist by Beeha Azman . Tanak cakap banyak but... why is her blog template iz szo cantikz? :')   btw .. malam ni mood dengar lagu lagu korea. tetiba  so cepat guys! click banner and join sama lets! hehe and dont forget to click her nuffnang tau :* wehh banner dia pun apasal cantik sangat!!! hahahahaha thats all guys :* gute nacht alle ! Posted by Nur Farhana

#Ananasgoodmood shawls giveaway bloglist

Assalammualaikum , Hye everyone! hari hari yang dinantikan sudah pun tiba! cewahh *over. and today, I am so rajin to update about the list of blogs, about 31 blogs yang dah join since last 5 days, awwh thank you so much bloggers yang murah hati and rajin sekalian :') So the list goes on, sesiapa yang bosan bosan rasa nak blogwalking tu, why not just browse on the list yang dah di letakkan kat bawah ni. :* have fun blogwalking, make friends and click click nuffnang dorang ! hehehe 1.  Syaza, Applemints 2.  muffincokelatcinta 3.  Elsalicious 4.  Bluechoralpearl 5.  thezafirahnazri 6.  Akhalilah 7.  Hiphip horray! 8.  Ehhzafirah 9.  adrianafaizul 10.  Theathra 11.  huha huha jerr 12.  Amirah Azman 13.  littlesnorlax 14.  Dikna 15.  muslimah sejati 16.  cahayakukasih 17.  Anakpakcikazwar 18.  bajuwarnacoklat 19.  Secrettales 20.  frrhnd 21....

test test!

Assalammualaikum, okay! just a short update ;) thank you guys! for joining . esok malam iols will update the list of the bloggers yang sudi join so that all of us boleh blogwalking sesama hehe. andddd esok test 2 papers and I am done for test 2. Doakan saya ya huhu thats all! bye šŸ˜˜ Posted by Nur Farhana

Tips bila di Vietnam

Assalammualaikum, Terajin pula rasa nak update entry pasal vietnam, which I went there about 8 months ago oredi :')  That was in september. And so! benda benda yang yguys should take note is.... 1. Public Transport : make sure yguys dah tau price siap siap tau.. cuz sometimes ada public transports/ taxi dia macam nak ambik untung lebih since we are tourists kan.. So walla! Dengan public transport pun we can tawar menawar if we know the real price :D If dekat airport, yess memang dorang sediakan but taxi yang kat luar airport tu lebih besar and cheaper actually (kalau dpt yang okay like me and my family). Kitorang that time got one van yang sangat besar and selesa untuk bawa we all ke hotel with the same price of 'dalam airport punya' - 2 normal cars' yang akan gerak berasingan. Leceh sikit for a big family like mine which consists of 9 people. 2. Hotel! Little Saigon: As you guys know... ke dont know? ahaha Saigon is actually the old name for Ho Chi M...

Scrub your face !

Assalammualaikum, hye guys.. first of all nak thanks to those yang sudi join #Ananasgoodmood shawls giveaway tu yguys memang awesome hehe . Oh and now it is gonna be a simple post and about face scrub! I sometimes wear face scrub from Himalaya (use it because it seems like suits with my Himalaya face cleanser) and sometimes wear the scrub from (dulu I did a review for this brand haa boleh usha satgi kay) . it is just, to make some of youguys yang tak tahu why do we need to scrub our face, know that it is okay for us to scrub our face.. even everyday :) especially for those yang ada kulit menggelupas or jenis yang kering kusam tu . So far alhamdulillah, scrubbing is what I do when I stopped dnars tu. and my face looks better (even the parut still all  over the place) plus softer. Scrub ni function dia nak buang sel kulit mati tu and some scrubs kan ada ingredients dia. Like tu its coffee , then organic oil and I dont know I forgot :p for the Himalaya...

#Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway

Assalammualaikum, Haa I've been very busy semalam with tests, classes and all so penat and tak sempat nak update blog last night since pagi ni class pukul 8. and I've said that I wanted to buat giveaway sempena 2 years old of . and 200 followers too! Thank you guys :* sebab sudi melawat blog yang tak seberapa ni and sudi jugak click click nuffnang ads yang berlegar-legar dalam blog ni. Don't stop visiting okay ! Cuz I will keep updating interesting things for you guys to read and see pada waktu lapang :D and so here is it! #Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway ! 'Shawls' means not one shawl je tau to be given but..... 5 ! so, rules nya ada lah 1. Follow blog frauananas and click nuffnang ads & churp churp kat tepi dan sekitar blog (don't forget okays) 2. Post satu entry entitled ' #Ananasgoodmood Shawls Giveaway ' 3. Back link kan banner to this entry 4. Copy link entry and post dekat comment box entry ni a...

Happy 2 years old

Assalammualaikum, this gonna be a very short post but the very meaningful one. Tomorrow I got test at 8 a.m but I dont care.. I must post this entry since my blog is officially 2 years old! Alhamdulillah. may I will update more interesting entries to share with all of you guys. And one more good news is , I got 200 followers and its 2 years old! :'D well, I guess 2 is a lucky number for this month for me and for this blog. Aha . Thank you so much again :* Frauananas mit Ihre Ananas :D *throwback with one of the earliest profile picture in this blog ,once upon a time* thats all for tonight! and yesss .. do wait for the giveaways. cuz my answer is YAY ! Posted by Nur Farhana

Birthday Giveaway by

Assalammualaikum, I've been tagged by Fatin the braces girl! thank you so much cuz yknow what.. I like to join giveaways and stuffs sebab kalau ada rezeki, menang lah! ahahaha dulu penah dapat topup sekali. pastu nasib tak menyebelahi Iols dah, so why not another giveaway kan? and this one is from :* here iz ze bannerz my tags :  Fadzi Razak              :  Budak Vanilla              : Mia Amelia thats all, pois :* Posted by Nur Farhana

My daily 'very the simple' face make ups

Assalammualaikum, yayy satu test dah habis tadi and now back to blog since malam ni kena study (intro yang tak perlu) I've change my skincare. Dulu pakai dnars but now dah stop sebab... I realized yang tak guna cream malam dia sangat. and selalu guna sabun beras and cream siang dia.. but for some reasons, too. I've stopped. After a week camtu, tanpa menggunakan apa apa products kat muka, just cuci guna air biasa .. haa my cherawats naik like so many I cannot ugh. Until I started to use Himalaya face neem cleanser tu (tak sure betul ke tak nama dia) and it suits me. Its like , back to normal dah and guna products from drugstores balik. About face cleanser ni gonna be in other entry lah kang panjang sangat pulak tulis kat sini. So now! am gonna write about simple face products or we call it make ups? *like very very very simple make ups* that I use them daily. Yep. Daily. And the main purpose are, these products help my face to become better, less jerawat and segar-er....