Baju Blous terkini FOR RAYA at Zalora


Hey guys!
So main topic for this post  is baju raya!  (haa semangat takk??)

It has been less than one month I think? For us, muslims dekat seluruh dunia akan menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadhan. Tak lama dah.. and we gonna puasa for a month :) *puasa jangan tak puasa~.. oh yang tak ganti lagi boleh laa sedar diri memasing :p hehe ganti cepat! 

And… yeah,  Ibadah puasa shows us too, that Syawal bakal menjelang and talking about bulan Syawal, we can already imagine how excited would it be and banyak sangat preparation nak kena buat because we want everything to be smooth and good since we meet people, and one most important thing is.. bermaaf maafan sesama manusia :)

Thus! (masuk mood baju raya)
We need to look gorgeous  laa of course on that day kannn… It is like, a tradition for us, malay people where we have that one session ‘sesi pencarian baju raya’ .
Oh and…have you ever heard about nowadays trend where the people mostly wear Blouse for raya instead of wearing just a normal baju kurung or kebaya?

So here I would like to share with you guys,

Cerita dia macam ni.. last weekend me and my mother sibuk laa berbincang bincang pasal baju raya (omg so typical. puasa tak lagi tapi dah discuss pasal baju raya.. gurlss~). Tell me you guys did the same thing right!?!?  Hahaha.. then tetiba come across with Zalora since my mother ni peminat tegar Rizalman and I tell you.. baju baju dalam Zalora are sooo nowadays trend *nangis* :’) 

It is more  trendy and as I said, concept dia macam baju blouse and sangat terkini. Uhuks.
Well of course, keluaran tu semua sempena this coming Raya laa kann…and it makes me feel guilty kalau tak share denga all of you. ahaha

As we can see, tahun tahun sebelum ni most of the women and girls pakai baju Kurung Moden (like me..) and macam Kaftan or Jubah (like me, too..) di pagi Syawal (mood raya sangat ..ahaha) and now it is 2016 guys! Eh salah..girls! New collection of baju blous terkini is soo gonna be INTO the trend since lagi senang nak match kan with skirts, lagi lagi skirts yang ala ala mermaid tu.. well I think it looks outstanding. Dontcha think so? Kan?

So here are some of em yang I found them like.. LAWA SANGAT.. for us , women/girls,  untuk di pakai pada pagi mulia Aidilfitri kelak. hehe

Intro gambar sikit… jeng jeng

So this is the first one..

 1. Peplum Blouse. 

Well, for me this peplum is still relevant for this year, for example like these pretty peplums collection in Zalora.. blue and white is a really good combination , I tell you.. and its gonna be my baju raya theme this year, insyaAllah.. ehh terbagitau pulak :p

Peplum Blouse

2. Cape Blouse

And this one, people call it Cape Blouse, ( I like this onez ugh like I kenots.) I found it  looks elegant yet simple, like all colours can be matched kann… and bebas laa nak pakai with any skirt . Yep that’s what I think..

Cape Blouse

3. Lace Blouse

Or…with this lacey lacey blouse or to be more formal ‘Lace blouse’  . ahahaha I just cant laa with this blouse collection :’) semua buat ku jatuh.. *macam lagu Faizul tu.. aku jatuh.. eh? Haha. It is just, this lacey blouse buat kita Nampak sweet-er and girly-er . *RIP English.. * . I like that!

Lace Blouse

4. Puff Sleeves Blouse

Oh pastu.. Puff Sleeve Blouse. This one is sooo interesting because for me, not only for raya. It can be wear masa apa apa important occasion, too. Wear it with confident, trust me dizz onezz so lawaz. Macam princess punya baju kann…   :l  lemah lutut. Hm

Puff Sleeves Blouse

5. Flare Blouse

And the simple one! Its Flare blouse..yeah, if those yang dah di share oleh Iols yang kat atas atas tu bukan taste youguys sebab yguys adalah jenis yang simple dan anggun dan menawan, I suggest you this one! Nice kan? Yang ni untuk yang berhijab pun sesuai since the cutting is quite loose  lagi lagi part punggung tu . hihi :)

Flare Blouse

Ahaa, so that’s it! Hasil browsing thru Zalora’s  website about their ‘baju blous terkini’ collection. Serious rambang mata bila tengok and the price range is quite affordable even ada yang below RM 100 :’D nangis lagii* hahahaha . So whatchu waiting for girls! Go serang Zalora punya website, to find out more :*

May you get your best baju raya for this upcoming Raya, insyaAllah.
Hope that this post helps you girls out there yang still wandering, searching for baju raya!

That’s all . Pois !

Posted by Nur Farhana


  1. uihhh boleh dpt idea ni tahun ni nak raya pakai bju apa. hehe.

    1. hehehe tu lah.. zalora laa ni buat org rambang mata :'D

  2. seua lawa-lawa, but i think i will go for a bit traditional for my first baju raya..heheh

    1. ahaha lawa kannn tergugat :') awh you are wanita melayu terakhir hihi

  3. klik2 nuffnang n churp churp


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