My daily 'very the simple' face make ups


yayy satu test dah habis tadi and now back to blog since malam ni kena study (intro yang tak perlu)

I've change my skincare. Dulu pakai dnars but now dah stop sebab... I realized yang tak guna cream malam dia sangat. and selalu guna sabun beras and cream siang dia.. but for some reasons, too. I've stopped.

After a week camtu, tanpa menggunakan apa apa products kat muka, just cuci guna air biasa .. haa my cherawats naik like so many I cannot ugh. Until I started to use Himalaya face neem cleanser tu (tak sure betul ke tak nama dia) and it suits me. Its like , back to normal dah and guna products from drugstores balik. About face cleanser ni gonna be in other entry lah kang panjang sangat pulak tulis kat sini.

So now! am gonna write about simple face products or we call it make ups? *like very very very simple make ups* that I use them daily. Yep. Daily. And the main purpose are, these products help my face to become better, less jerawat and segar-er. LOL jk, its Fresher . hahahaha

 let's begin.

1. Moisturizer from Himalaya

this mosturizer bukan sahaja untuk face, but I also use it dekat tangan, neck and actually satu badan pun boleh. 

So far, whenever I wear this after cuci muka dengan cleanser Himalaya tu, my face will be like lembut laa.. nama pun moisturizer kans. I also wear this sebelum pakai bedak muka.. and makes me feel better lagi lagi for hari yang ada kelas. After wearing this moisturizer and wait like 10 mins, I wear......

2. Pixy compact powder (natural beige)

 I know that this bedak is quite famous since sangat murah and elok kat ramai orang. Even my friends pun ramai yang guna Pixy ni. At first I thought 'natural beige' colour wouldnt suits me (perasan kulit putih) but bila dah pakai, eh elok je :'D ahahaha maybe because its natural? so tak nampak gelap or kelabu putih hahaha.

To make myself look presentable, instead of wearing normal bedak baby johnson tu.. I wear this lepas pakai moisturizer. It make myself less oily and semenggah lah sikit.

To be honest, I am a very pemalas girl untuk pakai mekap or pape lah kat muka lagi lagi for the sake of going to class JE. But since I am growing older *uhuk uhuk tua dah 21* I need! to change! my self! to atleast! become someone yang proper laa.

Maybe because my face always look pale, so I need something. (but if serabut terbangun lambat ke apa.. bedak baby johnson je ditepek kat muka ni. heh)


3. Ad A's Collagen Lipstick (I'm Sweet)

 lipstick ni like ramai orang cakap lipstick makcik makcik but I like it, maybe because of the ingredients such as Vitamin E, Collagen and smells like strawberry.. so I like it! Plus tak berat bila pakai kat mulut.

My aunty actually sells this so why not lah kan. RM 23 sebatang . Pastu bila pakai it turns out to follow the temperature of my body and not too bright nor to pale. and tak kering dah bibir, no gelupas and bibir darah :') yay. perfect.

And I just need to wear it and ready to go to class. oh pastu this lipstick boleh letak kat pipi and eyelids :'D boleh la perasan ala ala pipi pink padahal tepek lipstick uhuhu.


4.  NYX's Soft Matte Lip Cream (Stockholm)

yang atas tu AD A'S , yang bawah tu NYX

 nahh for those yang pernah come across and read my previous entry, last year if I am not mistaken, I already have one code of this lipstick which is, Athens. But guess what its patah.. entah cemana tah Ive turned into HULK ke cemana botol dia boleh patah/pecah?.. emm

But I really really like the texture lagi lagi bila dah pakai kat lips dia akan jadi Matte- ofcourse, and jilat balik pun tak hilang. This one colour Stockholm which is a lil bit brighter and livelier than Athens tu. I wish to have another. Saja buat ngada ngada. ahaha

Oh and this one I usually wear it whenever nak pegi dinner ke, or pergi jejalan kat shopping mall ke. Cuz untuk class I think its like beriya (which is not .. actually) but I prefer to wear Ad A's Lipstick tu masa kat class.

Okay the end! 4 Items yang sangat lah simple and I love em.

thanks for reading! pois

Posted by Nur Farhana


  1. wahh cantiknya dua dua lipstick tuh!! tapikan yg nyx tuh selalu jual kat mana eh? maklumlah kita ni tak tau sgt nak bermake up jd selalu tak tau mana nak beli :(

    1. ahaha sama laa kureng sikit bab makeups ni. NYX tu ada dekat Sephora. cari dekat bahagian NYX tu Rm20 something je .. kalau nak tengok brand lain tu cekik darah haa :') kita tak mampu lagi. huhu

    2. sephora ada eh? okay nanti fatin nak tengoklah. first time ni nak jejak sephora haha :p itulah bab make up ni kita kedekut sikit lah aiyaa boleh tahan expensive huhu :O


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