Inside Out : a must watch movie

Assalammualaikum, Hai peeps! I know siapa je yang tak tahu Inside Out movie right? I guess its another Disney Movie yang cartoon.. and its a must watch movie! Ive watched it with my baby girl Giraz after one year tak berjumpa. And this movie made myself to review itself sebab nya for me it was a successful movie. Oh for your information from imdb, this movie kena rate sebanyak 8,6/10 stars. Quite good rating dia. Well for me the movie is kind off unique and something out of the box. Sebab nya makhluk makhluk yang wujud in Riley's head (Riley is a girl : main character) tu dikira sebagai 'voices in head' Boleh dikatakan macam gerak hati in bahasa melayu. There are five little creatures.. Those emotions are their names. Yep . simple je. From what I understand is, Joy macam leader kepada emotions since dorang semua nak Riley sentiasa happy and that makes Sadness tak da kerja nak buat. Sebab dia asyik buat Riley sedih. Joys' attitudes tak semua okay...