
Showing posts from July, 2015

Face mask + scrub for a healthier skin! :D

Assalammualaikum, Hey there everyone :* Its time for an interesting post! well it is interesting for me :p happy reading! Just wanna tell youguys about this one scrub yang I've been used it since 2012? Because dulu I have a dry face skin.. jadinya ibu ku mencadangkan kepada ku untuk menggunakan face scrub. and I use this!  ni nama dia seperti tertera di atas, honey and oat scrub mask. Means boleh buat mask and scrub as well. Dia punya texture macam lotion with scrub. And best bila apply pada face kita :) Oats-  dia contains anti-inflammatory properties and saponins, tujuan untuk cleansing our face anddd  perfect for all skin types, including sensitive skin(like me!) mihmih while.. Honey-  with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and it is perfect for achieving the ā€œglowā€ (macam quputeh gitchew) while fighting acne and nourishing aging skin. Dia juga naturally opens pores. Got it? Wear it like this! one layer is enough. ...

People come and go

Assalammualaikum, Hye everyone :) Today's title might be sounds cliche, but anyways.. I am gonna write about it. Day by day, years by years, made me realized Im getting older (eventho I am only 20) but hey.. Ive met so many people all around the places where Ive been. Good memories, bad memories.. Ive faced them, too. Friends, Families.. they come and go. right? I know that orang cakap memutuskan silaturrahim antara saudara sesama Islam tu tak elok.. but I realized somehow its not about putus silaturrahim. But people go. they fade away slowly as they want it to be. To be honest.. I do that, too. why? because I am afraid pisang berbuah dua kali. I feel uncomfortable when people dont understand me dah as usual. People somehow need to know that me, or maybe themselves change without kita perasan pun. Well those are my reason why do I choose to fade away from people. My friend says that "we only befriended with those who we always meet" true kan? B...

Sephora Eyeliner and Nyx matte lipstick!

Assalammualaikum, hey there :D today I would like to share some stuffs that I bought in Sephora. I am lack of makeup knowledge but teringin juga nak review sedikit sebanyak. mana tau some if yguys pun like me jenis yang baru tau menahu pasal make ups stuffs right? oookay the first one is 1. Fine line waterproof eyeliner (24 hrs) Ive been longing to have my own eyeliner sebab selama ni guna yang ibu punya je. plus celak mekah tu :') sobs. but hey! I bought this at last! at first rasa macam marker pen yang pointy punya pun ada haha pastu macam easier for me to conteng mata. What can I say about this eyeliner is.. its waterproof! to be honest.. theres one day I bought mascara yang price dia boleh tahan la mahal but its not waterproof. habis mata mudah jadi panda. (can see how noob I am bila pasal mekap before this hurm) one more thing is about dia punya tip saaaaangat halus and quite soft which is very easy for me to use it. as I am not a pro at all. still! got ...

Kopftuch! my new online muslimah's shop

Assalammualaikum, Hey ho everyone :* Topic for today is all about KOPFTUCH which is pronounced as "KOP-F-TUKH" which means headscarf in German language. I created this with my cute friend named Aida Aliah. Kami still baru lagi. To be honest.. I really really want to have my own hijab brand or apa apa lagi brand which made by myself. Sebab dia punya happy tu lain macam. It has been a week and few days our online shop ni on air. sudi sudi la support kami kayyy di sini --------->   Kopftuch's instagram! so far ada 4 colours je.. chiffon shawl and satin silk shawl. plus! sangat wide! hehe its 2m x 0.7m wide and length. sebab boleh tutup chest and bahagian belakang juga. So far as I wear it for a few times, sangat comfy (bukan nak promote) and not so see-through. hope that yguys berminat untuk follow and support us :* besides.. kita ada buat some tutorials untuk youguys menggayakan kopftuch's shawl :* some of collections that we have :) and so...

Apabila menulis recipe di blog?!!?

Assalammualaikum, Hey ho peepals! See da titles? nah? yah? (merapu) Actually pagi tadi plan nak buat pavlova untuk di bawa ke rumah makcik yang berada di Manjalara sana nu.. it was actually planned about three days ago? Mentang mentang laa lately ni I used to bancuh meringue so rasa macam elehh barang semua ada nak buat apa adehal.. recipe dalam otak dah siap *konon* Then pagi tadi pukul 9.30 a.m macam tu I woke up and ready to bake! Pastu, tetiba rasa ragu ragu serta was was bercampur baur tentang recipe yang I thought that I oredi tau. To be honest.. or to be obvious.. yes.. boleh je google recipe memana. Tapi nya I have my own recipe since Ive made them quite some times. Tapi hilang buku recipe :') Out of sudden teringat terus recipe yang ditulis pada berapa tahun lepas dalam blog ni yang dah eden pun lupo.. and I decided to use that recipe in mah own blog! hehehe! Alhamdulillah.. berkat menulis recipe kengkonon nak share to others lah konon.. berguna pada diri ... #frauananasreview

Assalammualaikum, Hello everyone! Hows your day going? good? Cool! Today ada benda cool yang nak di share kan pada yguys semua. :D Siapa pernah dengar ? Tak pernah? Now its time for you guys untuk usha apa benda kah itu. Well it was my first time juga haritu dengar pasal ni.. But then.. bila buka web tu.. I was very the rambang mata melihat segala pakaian, barang yang terjual dalam tu. I love to online shopping, but itu dulu (selepas sedar bahawa banyak habis duit asyik online shopping). Tapi serious.. dalam web ni.. price barang dia sangat lah murah to compare dengan kedai kedai/instashop yang biasa jual barang barang ni. Oh and.. barang barang dia bukan biasa biasa but one of a kind. lets see!    <------ click link ni okies? I got the chance to shop ka Dresslink ni.. and look what I found hehehe 1.  Cardigan cantik! I am interested dengan baju loose loose yang macam ni. sebab senang kan if k...

1st of July

Assalammualaikum, Hello everyone I am back :) Guess what? Finals are over! (erm sem 2 je baru habis. got more sems coming) Apa apa pun, I am so happy sebab dapat cuti and puasa kat rumah. Dapat lah makan sedap sedap and dengan berbuka dengan family.. cumanya macam biasa lah duduk rumah jadi driver adik adik ke sekolah. Oh and lotsa thangg nak cerita kat chuolls but satu satu dulu. First        Okay first of all.. pada sesiapa yang senasib bercuti sem seperti saya, meh laa buat kuih raya. Hehe bukan susah pun kan? cuma ada kerajinan je sikit. Lepas tu pula semua asyik duk sibuk share recipe kat facebook tu haa. Just scroll kat timeline, berlambak orang shared :'D What?! malas buat kuih? Okay kalau macam tu kena la beli kuih raya saya. Ecehh tipu jerr :p but if sesiapa yang duduk area Shah Alam, teringin nak merasa Coffee Meringue cookies boleh la order (promo sat) hhehe. So! this is one of the examples of thangg that Ive been doing now.. Buat kuih a...