Face mask + scrub for a healthier skin! :D
Assalammualaikum, Hey there everyone :* Its time for an interesting post! well it is interesting for me :p happy reading! Just wanna tell youguys about this one scrub yang I've been used it since 2012? Because dulu I have a dry face skin.. jadinya ibu ku mencadangkan kepada ku untuk menggunakan face scrub. and I use this! ni nama dia seperti tertera di atas, honey and oat scrub mask. Means boleh buat mask and scrub as well. Dia punya texture macam lotion with scrub. And best bila apply pada face kita :) Oats- dia contains anti-inflammatory properties and saponins, tujuan untuk cleansing our face anddd perfect for all skin types, including sensitive skin(like me!) mihmih while.. Honey- with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and it is perfect for achieving the āglowā (macam quputeh gitchew) while fighting acne and nourishing aging skin. Dia juga naturally opens pores. Got it? Wear it like this! one layer is enough. ...