Boleh tengok online movies kat Putlocker!

Assalammualaikum, Hey everyone! since last time the entry was about a movie.. I just wondering "why not I share this with you guys" ? share apa? haha . k. Have you ever heard of megashare? yep.. a website untuk yguys tengok online movies. So tak payah la penat penat check kat tv bila movie tu keluar or maybe ada cerita cerita lama yang susah for yguys untuk tengok dah. Tapi, yguys nak tengok jugak so search online mv. ada paham? But am not gonna talk about megashare. Its about putlocker ! Maybe ada any of yguys yang dah tau about website ni. Or maybe ada yang tak tau. so boleh la start tengok movie thru that website. just search the movie and watch ! :p So far memang the latest mv apa apa pun boleh tengok but sadly kat my kolej takleh tengok . apasal oh. hmm. Oh and I ve watched banyak movies dah before this kat rumah. Such as, the latest "Penguin of Madagascar" "into the woods(penat dengar dorang nyanyi sampai ngantuk)" "maze runner...