Pavlova - recipe

Assalamualaikum, Hey there peepals! since yesterday is mother's day.. I would like to wish happy mothers day to all mothers in the world. For my ibu, nenek and aunties.. Me and my family dah celebrate ramai ramai kat rumah on saturday. Ada barbeque and potluck gitu. It was great! to have a family gathering kan? bukan selalu. Okay lari topic sat. So back to the REAL topic. I would like to post about pavlova, recipe, taste and all. Fyi, on last thursday.. out of sudden I feel like to bake a pavlova. Since I love to watch Laura Vitale on youtube, then I decided to follow laura's recipe and cara cara nak buat pavlova semua. Alhamdulillah, for my first try .. I baked it well. Cuma ye lah tak sabar sabar nak rasa.. thus lepas siap bakar dalam oven terus bawak keluar and sapu whipped cream (dah la pavlova tengah panas, berair la whipped cream tu :'D ) ni yang first try. i followed laura's recipe. sorry for the ugly looks, and shape. hehe For those yang saja na...